πŸ§‘Breww Animation

Your Heard it right: we also have animations that require JavaScript or are fully dependent on JavaScript. Currently, we only support one animation type which is OPACITY OVER SCROLL, but we are planning to add more animations in the future(Maybe just using JS).


var animate = new AnimateCss();
    let sec;
    const options = {
        sectionSelector: '.maintest',  // Query selector to your sections
        targetSelector: '[data-jump]', // Query selector to your elements that will be added `active` class
        easing: {
            enabled: true,
            type: BrewwEasings.linear
        activeClass: ['activer', 'highlight'],
        onLastScrollInView: () => console.log("last"),
        onFirstScrollInView: () => console.log("hi"),
        animation: { enabled: false, animType: 'anim-type' },
        onScroll: (section, sections, animationOptions) => {
            sec = sections;
            animate.animateTwoWay(section, sections, animationOptions);
        onSectionChange: (currentsection, sections, animationOptions) => {
            //your actions

    const spyscroll = new SpyScroll(document.getElementById('nav'), options);
    BrewwAnimations.Bewwopacity(spyscroll.sections, 400);


Last updated