πŸ‘‹Breww's ScrollSpyer

ScrollSpyer is light weight and animation integrated library. To enhance User Experience.

Why This ScrollSpyer: We have explored various scrollspy tools available on the internet, but encountered issues with some of them. Specifically, some don't support multiple menus, while others lack animation capabilities. We consider animations to be necessary in any scrollspy tool. If you're unfamiliar with what we're referring to, we invite you to explore our examples with animation for a better understanding.


  1. Multi-Menu Support

  2. Custom Animations

  3. Support Various Open Source Animation Libraries Animate CSS

  4. Customizable

  5. Hooks and Public Methods

  6. Sections detail API's

  7. Offset management

  8. Offset Management for Desktops, tablets, and Mobile, based on Breakpoint

  9. smooth scroll and Easing

  10. Support of Smooth Scroll Third-party libraries [Under development]

  11. ESM, CJS, and browser support

ℹ️pageNeed of ScrollSpyer?πŸ› οΈpageInstallation

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